Algorithm -> a process or set of rules to be followed in
calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer
An algorithm is a
procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of
specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm.
In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small
procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
Case Study –
Let’s consider few problems to solve step by
step and analyze the algorithms.
Tower of Hanoi
The Tower of Hanoi problem was invented by the French mathematician
Edouard Lucas in 1883. In this problem there are three disk and three peg using
these three peg we need to sort the disc in there ascending order.
So the objective is to move all the disks to some another tower without
violating the sequence of arrangement. Rules to be followed are −
1) Only one disk
can be moved among the towers at any given time.
2) Only the
"top" disk can be removed.
3) No large disk
can sit over a small disk.
1) Move the top
smallest disc to third peg
2) Move 2nd
largest disc to 2nd peg
3) Move smallest
disc from 3rd peg to 2nd
4) Move largest
disc to 3rd peg and smallest disc to 1st peg,
5) Move 2nd
largest disc to 3rd peg than smallest disc to 3rd peg
Now all disc will be on 3rd peg
Let’s discuss about different algorithm design techniques.
Although more than one technique may be applicable to a specific
problem, it is often the case that an algorithm constructed by one approach is
clearly superior to equivalent solutions built using alternative techniques.
Different approaches to design an algorithm
Brute Force
Brute force is a straightforward approach to solve a problem based
on the problem’s statement and definitions of the concepts involved. It is
considered as one of the easiest approach to apply and is useful for solving
small – size instances of a problem.
Some examples of brute force algorithms are:
Selection sort
Bubble sort
Sequential search
Exhaustive search: Traveling Salesman Problem, Knapsack problem.
Greedy Algorithms "take what you can get now" strategy
The solution is constructed through a sequence of steps, each
expanding a partially constructed solution obtained so far. At each step the
choice must be locally optimal – this is the central point of this technique.
Minimal spanning tree
Shortest distance in graphs
Greedy algorithm for the Knapsack problem
The coin exchange problem
Huffman trees for optimal encoding
Greedy techniques are mainly used to solve optimization problems.
They do not always give the best solution.
Divide-and-Conquer, Decrease-and-Conquer
These are methods of designing algorithms that (informally)
proceed as follows:
Given an instance of the problem to be solved, split this into several
smaller sub-instances (of the same problem), independently solve each of the
sub-instances and then combine the sub-instance solutions so as to yield a
solution for the original instance.
With the divide-and-conquer method the size of the problem instance
is reduced by a factor (e.g. half the input size), while with the
decrease-and-conquer method the size is reduced by a constant.
Examples of divide-and-conquer algorithms:
Computing an (a > 0, n a nonnegative integer) by recursion
Binary search in a sorted array (recursion)
Merge sort algorithm, Quicksort algorithm (recursion)
The algorithm for solving the fake coin problem (recursion)
Examples of decrease-and-conquer algorithms:
Topological sorting
Binary Tree traversals: inorder, preorder and postorder
Computing the length of the longest path in a binary tree
Computing Fibonacci numbers (recursion)
Reversing a queue (recursion)
Warshall’s algorithm (recursion)
Dynamic Programming
One disadvantage of using Divide-and-Conquer is that the process
of recursively solving separate sub-instances can result in the same
computations being performed repeatedly since identical sub-instances may
The idea behind dynamic programming is to avoid this pathology by obviating
the requirement to calculate the same quantity twice.
The method usually accomplishes this by maintaining a table of
sub-instance results.
Dynamic Programming is a Bottom-Up Technique in which the smallest
sub-instances are explicitly solved first and the results of these used to
construct solutions to progressively larger sub-instances.
In contrast, Divide-and-Conquer is a Top-Down Technique which
logically progresses from the initial instance down to the smallest
sub-instance via intermediate sub-instances.
Fibonacci numbers computed by iteration.
Warshall’s algorithm implemented by iterations
These methods work as two-stage procedures. First, the problem is
modified to be more amenable to solution. In the second stage the problem is
Types of problem modifications
Problem simplification e.g. presorting
Change in the representation
Problem reduction
Backtracking and branch-and-bound: generate and test methods
The method is used for state-space search problems. State-space
search problems are problems, where the problem representation consists of:
§ initial state
§ goal state(s)
§ a set of
intermediate states
§ A set of
operators that transform one state into another. Each operator has
preconditions and post conditions.
§ a cost function
– evaluates the cost of the operations (optional)
§ a utility
function – evaluates how close is a given state to the goal state (optional)
The solving process solution is based on the construction of a
state-space tree, whose nodes represent states, the root represents the initial
state, and one or more leaves are goal states. Each edge is labeled with some
Genetic Algorithms
Genetic algorithms (GAs) are used mainly for optimization problems
for which the exact algorithms are of very low efficiency.
GAs search for good solutions to a problem from among a (large)
number of possible solutions. The current set of possible solutions is used to
generate a new set of possible solution.
They start with an initial set of possible solutions, and at each
step they do the following:
Evaluate the current set of solutions (current generation)
Choose the best of them to serve as “parents” for the new
generation, and construct the new generation.
The loop runs until a specified condition becomes true, e.g. a
solution is found that satisfies the criteria for a “good” solution, or the
number of iterations exceeds a given value, or no improvement has been recorded
when evaluation the solutions.
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