
An interface is a contract (or a protocol, or a common understanding) of what the classes can do.

When a class implements a certain interface, it promises to provide implementation to all the abstract methods declared in the interface.

Interface defines a set of common behaviors. The classes implement the interface agree to these behaviors and provide their own implementation to the behaviors.

One of the main usage of interface is provide a communication contract between two objects. If you know a class implements an interface, then you know that class contains concrete implementations of the methods declared in that interface, and you are guaranteed to be able to invoke these methods safely. In other words, two objects can communicate based on the contract defined in the interface, instead of their specific implementation.

Java does not support multiple inheritance (whereas C++ does). Multiple inheritance permits you to derive a subclass from more than one direct superclass. This poses a problem if two direct super classes have conflicting implementations. (Which one to follow in the subclass?). However, multiple inheritance does have its place. Java does this by permitting you to "implements" more than one interfaces (but you can only "extends" from a single superclass). Since interfaces contain only abstract methods without actual implementation, no conflict can arise among the multiple interfaces.

If a subclass implements two interfaces with conflicting constants, the compiler will flag out a compilation error.

the most important use for interfaces is to reduce coupling between components in your software.

An interface allows to represent an agreement between classes on how they will talk to each other without being tied to the actual implementations.

Interface can have static and default method (Java8).

Note - If a class implements two interface having default method than it's mandatory to provide implementation of default common method otherwise compiler will throw compile time error.

10. If any class in the hierarchy has a method with same signature, then default methods become irrelevant. A default method cannot override a method from java.lang.Object. The reasoning is very simple, it’s because Object is the base class for all the java classes. So even if we have Object class methods defined as default methods in interfaces, it will be useless because Object class method will always be used. That’s why to avoid confusion, we can’t have default methods that are overriding Object class methods.

11. Java interface default methods are also referred to as Defender Methods or Virtual extension methods.

Code Snippet-
 * Below interface contains default and static method
 * @author Manoj
public interface Test {
  default void print(String str) {
      if (!isNull(str))
            System.out.println("MyData Print::" + str);

  static boolean isNull(String str) {
      System.out.println("Interface Null Check");
      return str == null ? true : "".equals(str) ? true : false;

Important points about java interface static method:

1. Java interface static method is part of interface, we can’t use it for implementation class objects.
2. Java interface static methods are good for providing utility methods, for example null check, collection sorting etc.
3. Java interface static method helps us in providing security by not allowing implementation classes to override them.
4. We can’t define interface static method for Object class methods, we will get compiler error as “This static method cannot hide the instance method from Object”. This is because it’s not allowed in java, since Object is the base class for all the classes and we can’t have one class level static method and another instance method with same signature.
5. We can use java interface static methods to remove utility classes such as Collections and move all of its static methods to the corresponding interface that would be easy to find and use.

Functional Inerface-

I would like to provide a brief introduction to Functional interfaces. An interface with exactly one abstract method is known as Functional Interface.

A new annotation @FunctionalInterface has been introduced to mark an interface as Functional Interface. @FunctionalInterface annotation is a facility to avoid accidental addition of abstract methods in the functional interfaces. It’s optional but good practice to use it.

Functional interfaces are long awaited and much sought out feature of Java 8 because it enables us to use lambda expressions to instantiate them. A new package java.util.function with bunch of functional interfaces are added to provide target types for lambda expressions and method references. 
Functional interface have single abstract method although functional interface can have multiple default methods.

Code snippet:-
public interface FunctionalInterfaceTest{
   void getTest();

If we add more than one abstract method it will give compile time error.
public interface FunctionalInterfaceTest{
   void getTest();
   void getTestTwo();//Invalid '@FunctionalInterface' annotation; FunctionalInterfaceTest is not a functional interface

Runnable, Comparator,Cloneable are some of the examples for Functional Interface

Finctional interface can have multiple static and default method.
public interface FunctionalInterfaceTest {
      void getTest();

      default void getTestDefault() {
            //default method body

      default void getDefaultTest() {
            //default method body

      static void getMethodOne() {
            //static method body

      static void getMethodTwo() {
            //static method body

Private and Private static method:

We can’t use private method in interface so for but Java SE9 introduces private and private static method in interface to reduce the code redundancy.
These private method will be accessible to from other public method of interface.
Refer below code snippet:-

public interface Java9InterfaceTest {

      public static void getPrivateStaticData(){
      public void getPrivateData(){
      private void getPrivateTest(){
            //method implementation...
      private static void getPrivateStaticTest(){
            //method implementation...