Genetic algorithms are
a part of evolutionary computing, which is a rapidly
growing area of artificial intelligence.
This blog covers the
canonical genetic algorithm as well as more experimental forms of genetic
algorithms, including parallel island models and parallel cellular genetic
algorithms. The tutorial also illustrates genetic search by hyper plane
sampling. The theoretical foundations of genetic algorithms are reviewed,
include the schema theorem as well as recently developed exact models of the
canonical genetic algorithm.
There is three common methods
that solve a global optimization problems: heuristic, approximation and
systematic methods. GA’s are typically heuristic methods. They are based in one
hand on a heuristic gradient ascension method (selection & crossover) and, in
another hand, on a semi-random exploration method (mutations). Advantages of
GA’s are that they are simple to understand and to implement, and early give a
good near solution.
Disadvantages are that they
tend to fail with the more difficult problems and need good problem knowledge
to be tuned.
GA’s are inspired from
biological processes (i.e. cells’ division, DNA, crossover, mutation,). The underlining
idea is to generate successive sets of solutions (generations), making each new
generation inheriting properties from the best solutions of the precedent. In
order to perform a step, we have to select the best solutions and mix them together
(crossover). A GA typically looks like that:
a) Generate a first
generation with random parameters.
b) Evaluate all individuals
of the generation.
c) Crossover the best
individuals together to get the new generation (children).
d) Make random mutation
across the new generation.
e) Go back to b).
Nice information, very usefull thanks