Dynamic Programming is a
powerful technique that can be used to solve many problems in time O (n 2) or O
(n 3) for which a naive approach would take exponential time. (Usually to get
running time below that—if it is possible—one would need to add other ideas as
well.) Dynamic Programming is a general approach to solving problems, much like
“divide-and-conquer” is a general method, except that unlike
divide-and-conquer, the sub problems will typically overlap.
Example 1: Longest Common Subsequence
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem is as follows.
We are given two strings: string S of length n, and string T of length m. Our
goal is to produce their longest common subsequence: the longest sequence of
characters that appear left-to-right (but not necessarily in a contiguous
block) in both strings.
For example, consider: S =
In this case, the LCS has length 4 and is the
string ABAD. Another way to look at it is we are finding a 1-1 matching between
some of the letters in S and some of the letters in T such that none of the edges
in the matching cross each other.
For instance, this type of problem comes up all
the time in genomics: given two DNA fragments, the LCS gives information about
what they have in common and the best way to line them up.
Let’s now solve the LCS problem using Dynamic
Programming. As sub problems we will look at the LCS of a prefix of S and a
prefix of T, running over all pairs of prefixes. For simplicity, let’s worry
first about finding the length of the LCS and then we can modify the algorithm
to produce the actual sequence itself. So, here is the question: say LCS[i,j]
is the length of the LCS of S[1..i] with T[1..j]. How can we solve for LCS
[i,j] in terms of the LCS’s of the smaller problems?
Case 1: what if S[i] 6= T[j]? Then, the desired
subsequence has to ignore one of S[i] or T[j] so
we have: LCS[i, j] = max(LCS[i − 1, j], LCS[i,
j − 1]).
Case 2: what if S[i] = T[j]? Then the LCS of S
[1...i] and T [1...j] might as well match them up.
For instance, if I gave you a common
subsequence that matched S[i] to an earlier location in
T, for instance, you could always match it to
T[j] instead. So, in this case we have: LCS [i, j] = 1 + LCS [i − 1, j − 1].
So, we can just do two loops (over values of i
and j), filling in the LCS using these rules. Here’s what it looks like
pictorially for the example above, with S along the leftmost column and T along
the top row.
We just fill out this matrix row by row, doing
constant amount of work per entry, so this takes
O (mn) time overall. The final answer (the
length of the LCS of S and T) is in the lower-right corner.
How can we now find the
To find the sequence, we just walk backwards
through matrix starting the lower-right corner. If either the cell directly
above or directly to the right contains a value equal to the value in the
current cell, then move to that cell (if both to, then chose either one). If
both such cells have values strictly less than the value in the current cell,
then move diagonally up-left (this corresponds to applying Case 2), and output
the associated character. This will output the characters in the LCS in reverse
order. For instance, running on the matrix above, this outputs DABA.
Example 2: The Knapsack Problem -
Imagine you have a homework assignment with different parts labeled A
through G. Each part has a “value” (in points) and a “size” (time in hours to
complete). For example, say the values and times for our assignment are:
Say you have a total of 15 hours: which parts should you do? If there
was partial credit that was proportional to the amount of work done (e.g., one
hour spent on problem C earns you 2.5 points) then the best approach is to work
on problems in order of points/hour (a greedy strategy). But, what if there is
no partial credit? In that case, which parts should you do, and what is the
best total value possible?
The above is an instance of the knapsack problem, formally defined as
Answer: In this case, the optimal strategy is to do parts A, B, F, and G
for a total of 34 points. Notice that this doesn’t include doing part C which
has the most points/hour!
11.2 in the knapsack problem we are given a set of n items, where each item i
is specified by a size si and a value vi. We are also given a size bound S (the
size of our knapsack).
The goal is to
find the subset of items of maximum total value such that sum of their sizes is
at most S (they all fit into the knapsack).
We can solve the knapsack problem in exponential time by trying all
possible subsets. With
Dynamic Programming, we can reduce this to time O(nS).
Let’s do this top down by starting with a simple recursive solution and
then trying to memoize
it. Let’s start by just computing the best possible total value, and we
afterwards can see how to actually extract the items needed.
// Recursive algorithm: either we use the last element or we don’t.
Value(n,S) // S = space left, n = # items still to choose from
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (s_n > S) result = Value(n-1,S); // can’t use nth item
else result = max{v_n + Value(n-1, S-s_n), Value(n-1, S)};
return result;
Right now, this takes exponential time. But, notice that there are only
O(nS) different pairs of values the arguments can possibly take on, so this is
perfect for memoizing. As with the LCS problem, let us initialize a 2-d array
arr[i][j] to “unknown” for all i,j.
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (arr[n][S] != unknown) return arr[n][S]; // <- added this
if (s_n > S) result = Value(n-1,S);
else result = max{v_n + Value(n-1, S-s_n), Value(n-1, S)};
arr[n][S] = result; // <- and this
return result;
Since any given pair of arguments to Value can pass through the array
check only once, and in doing so produces at most two recursive calls, we have
at most 2n(S + 1) recursive calls total, and the total time is O(nS).
So far we have only discussed computing the value of the optimal
solution. How can we get the items? As usual for Dynamic Programming, we can do
this by just working backwards: if arr[n][S] = arr[n-1][S] then we didn’t use
the nth item so we just recursively work backwards from arr[n-1][S]. Otherwise,
we did use that item, so we just output the nth item and recursively work
backwards from arr[n-1][S-s n]. One can also do bottom-up Dynamic Programming.
Example 3: Matrix product
Our final example for Dynamic Programming is the matrix product
parenthesization problem.
Say we want to multiply three matrices X, Y, and Z. We could do it like
(XY) Z or like X(Y Z).
Which way we do the multiplication doesn’t affect the final outcome but
it can affect the running time to compute it. For example, say X is 100x20, Y
is 20x100, and Z is 100x20. So, the end result will be a 100x20 matrix. If we
multiply using the usual algorithm, then to multiply a ℓxm matrix by an mxn
matrix takes time O (ℓmn). So in this case, which is better, doing (XY) Z or
X(Y Z)?
Answer: X(Y Z) is better because computing Y Z takes 20x100x20 steps,
producing a 20x20 matrix, and then multiplying this by X takes another
20x100x20 steps, for a total of 2x20x100x20. But, doing it the other way takes
100x20x100 steps to compute XY , and then multplying this with Z takes another 100x20x100
steps, so overall this way takes 5 times longer. More generally, what if we
want to multiply a series of n matrices?
11.3 The Matrix Product Parenthesization problem is as follows. Suppose we need
to multiply a series of matrices: A1 × A2 × A3 × ... × An. Given the dimensions
of these matrices, what is the best way to parenthesize them, assuming for
simplicity that standard matrix multiplication is to be used (e.g., not
There are an exponential number of different possible parenthesizations,
in fact 2(n−1)
/n, so we don’t want to search through all of them. Dynamic Programming
gives us a better way.
As before, let’s first think: how might we do this recursively? One way
is that for each possible split for the final multiplication, recursively solve
for the optimal parenthesization of the left and right sides, and calculate the
total cost (the sum of the costs returned by the two recursive calls plus the
ℓmn cost of the final multiplication, where “m” depends on the location of that
Then take the overall best top-level split.
For Dynamic Programming, the key question is now: in the above procedure,
as you go through the recursion, what do the subproblems look like and how many
are there? Answer: each subproblem looks like “what is the best way to multiply
some sub-interval of the matrices Ai × ... × Aj?” So, there are only O(n2)
different subproblems.
The second question is now: how long does it take to solve a given
subproblem assuming you’ve
already solved all the smaller subproblems (i.e., how much time is spent
inside any given recursive
call)? Answer: to figure out how to best multiply Ai ×...×Aj , we just
consider all possible middle
points k and select the one that minimizes:
optimal cost to multiply Ai ... Ak ← already computed
+ optimal cost to multiply Ak+1 ... Aj ← already computed
+ cost to multiply the results. ← get this from the dimensions
This just takes O(1) work for any given k, and there are at most n
different values k to consider, so overall we just spend O(n) time per
subproblem. So, if we use Dynamic Programming to save our results in a lookup
table, then since there are only O(n2) subproblems we will spend only O(n
3) time overall.
If you want to do this using bottom-up Dynamic Programming, you would
first solve for all subproblems with j − i = 1, then solve for all with j − i =
2, and so on, storing your results in an n by n matrix. The main difference
between this problem and the two previous ones we have seen is that any given
subproblem takes time O(n) to solve rather than O(1), which is why we get O(n
3) total running time. It turns out that by being very clever you can
actually reduce this to O(1) amortized time per subproblem, producing an
O(n2)-time algorithm, but we won’t get into that here.
programming is used a lot in string problems, such as the string edit problem.
You solve a subset(s) of the problem and then use that information to solve the
more difficult original problem.
With dynamic
programming, you store your results in some sort of table generally. When you
need the answer to a problem, you reference the table and see if you already
know what it is. If not, you use the data in your table to give yourself a
stepping stone towards the answer.
Nice information, very usefull thanks