
Hibernate interview questions
Here I have capture important interview questions on Hibernate. 

1.    What are the core interfaces of Hibernate?
The core interfaces of Hibernate framework are:
1)     Configuration
2)     SessionFactory
3)     Session
4)     Query
5)     Criteria
6)     Transaction
2.    Is SessionFactory a thread-safe object?
Yes, SessionFactory is a thread-safe object, many threads cannot access it simultaneously.
3.    What the difference is between get and load method?
The differences between get() and load() methods are given below.
Returns null if object is not found.
Throws ObjectNotFoundException if object is not found.
get() method always hit the database.
load() method doesn't hit the database.
It returns real object not proxy.
It returns proxy object.
It should be used if you are not sure about the existence of instance.
It should be used if you are sure that instance exists.

4.    How many types of association mapping are possible in hibernate?
1)     One to One
2)     One to Many
3)     Many to One
4)     Many to Many
5.    Explain One to One mapping?
One to one mapping maintain one to one relation between two records. Suppose there is an Employee record and each employee have a unique address which means there is one to one relation with employee and address
public class Employee{
        private int id;
   private String empName;
        private Address address;

public class Address{
        private int id;
   private String addressDetails;
   private String zipcode;

Employee table will maintain a foreign key for Address table.
One to one xml mapping
 <one-to-one name="address" cascade="all"></one-to-one>

6.    Explain One to Many mapping?
In above example suppose one employee have multiple address that might be permanent address, temporary address, official address etc.
In address table each address line will contain the employee id to maintain the one to many relation as name suggest employee table have one record and for that record there will be many record in address table.
public class Employee{
            private int id;
      private List<Address> addresses;

Employee table contain list of address
One to Many xml mapping
<list name="addresses" cascade="all">
         <key column="id"/>
         <one-to-many class="Address"/>
7.    Explain Many to One mapping?
In above example suppose many employees are associated with the same address.
Employee object will contain an address object
Many to One xml mapping
<many-to-one name="address" column="address"
       class="Address" not-null="true"/>
8.    Explain Many to many mapping?
A Many-to-Many mapping can be implemented using a Set java collection that does not contain any duplicate element.
Suppose many employee belongs to multiple address and multiple address belongs to multiple employees.
Many to Many xml mapping
<set name="addresses" table="emp_addrs">
         <key column="emp_id"/>
         <many-to-many column="addrs_id" class="Address"/>
9.    Explain inheritance mapping?

10. What is lazy loading?
Lazy loading is a technique in which objects are loaded on demand basis, by default child objects are not loaded when parent is loaded
11. What is first level cache in hibernate?
The first-level cache is the Session cache

12. What is second level cache in hibernate?
Second-level cache can be configured on a per-class and per-collection basis and mainly responsible for caching objects across sessions.

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