Wednesday, 22 March 2017


AngularJS is an open source web application framework. It was originally developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. It is now maintained by Google.

AngularJS extends HTML

AngularJS extends HTML with ng-directives.

1)      The ng-app directive defines an AngularJS application.
2)      The ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls (input, select, textarea) to application data.
3)      The ng-bind directive binds application data to the HTML view.
Example -
<div ng-app="">
  <p>Name : <input type="text" ng-model="name"></p>
  <p ng-bind="name"></p>

The ng-init directive initializes AngularJS application variables.

<div ng-app="" ng-init="firstName='Manoj'">
   <p>The name is : <span ng-bind="firstName"></span></p>

Alternatively with valid HTML:

<div data-ng-app="" data-ng-init="firstName='manoj'">
   <p>The name is : <span data-ng-bind="firstName"></span></p>

AngularJS expressions are written inside double braces: {{ expression }}.

<div ng-app="">
 <p>Expression:: {{ 5 + 5 }}</p>

AngularJS modules define AngularJS applications.
AngularJS controllers control AngularJS applications.
The ng-app directive defines the application, the ng-controller directive defines the controller.

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">

First Name <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"><br>
Last Name <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"><br>
Full Name : {{firstName + " " + lastName}}


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
, function($scope) {
    $scope.firstName= "Manoj"
    $scope.lastName= "Kumar"

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Singleton Pattern

Hi guys lets discuss about Singleton pattern.
Singleton pattern is a creational pattern, where there will be a single instance for Singleton class across the application.
To create a Singleton class we need to follow following step.
1)      Declare constructor as private to restrict class instantiation.
2)      Private static variable of the class.
3)      Public static method that returns the instance of the class.

Singleton pattern implementation –

1)   Eager initialization
In eager initialization, the instance of Singleton Class is created at the time of class loading, it has a drawback that instance is created even though client application might not be using it.
public class SingletonWithEagerInitialized {

     private static final SingletonWithEagerInitialized instance = new  SingletonWithEagerInitialized();

     private SingletonWithEagerInitialized() {

     public static SingletonWithEagerInitialized getInstance() {
     return instance;
2)   Static block initialization
Static block initialization implementation is similar to eager initialization, except that instance of class is created in the static block that provides option for exception handling.
class SingletonWithStaticBlock {

       private static SingletonWithStaticBlock instance;

       private SingletonWithStaticBlock() {

       static {
              try {
                     instance = new SingletonWithStaticBlock();
              } catch (Exception e) {
                     throw new RuntimeException("Exception occured in creating singleton instance");

       public static SingletonWithStaticBlock getInstance() {
              return instance;
3)   Lazy Initialization
Lazy initialization method to implement Singleton pattern creates the instance in the global access method. Here is the sample code for creating Singleton class with this approach.
class SingletonWithLazyInitialized {

    private static SingletonWithLazyInitialized instance;
    private SingletonWithLazyInitialized(){}
    public static SingletonWithLazyInitialized getInstance(){
        if(instance == null){
            instance = new SingletonWithLazyInitialized();
        return instance;
4)   Thread Safe Singleton
The easier way to create a thread-safe singleton class is to make the global access method synchronized, so that only one thread can execute this method at a time. General implementation of this approach is like the below class.
class SingletonThreadSafe {

       private static SingletonThreadSafe instance;

       private SingletonThreadSafe() {

       public static SingletonThreadSafe getInstanceUsingDoubleLocking() {
              if (instance == null) {
                     synchronized (SingletonThreadSafe.class) {
                           if (instance == null) {
                                  instance = new SingletonThreadSafe();
              return instance;
5)   Bill Pugh Singleton Implementation
Prior to Java 5, java memory model had a lot of issues and above approaches used to fail in certain scenarios where too many threads try to get the instance of the Singleton class simultaneously. So Bill Pugh came up with a different approach to create the Singleton class using an inner static helper class. The Bill Pugh Singleton implementation goes like this;
class SingletonBillPugh {

    private SingletonBillPugh(){}
    private static class SingletonHelper{
        private static final SingletonBillPugh INSTANCE = new SingletonBillPugh();
    public static SingletonBillPugh getInstance(){
        return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE;
6)   Using Reflection to destroy Singleton Pattern
Reflection can be used to destroy all the above singleton implementation approaches
class ReflectionSingletonTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SingletonWithEagerInitialized instanceOne = SingletonWithEagerInitialized.getInstance();
        SingletonWithEagerInitialized instanceTwo = null;
        try {
            Constructor[] constructors = SingletonWithEagerInitialized.class.getDeclaredConstructors();
            for (Constructor constructor : constructors) {
                //Below code will destroy the singleton pattern
                instanceTwo = (SingletonWithEagerInitialized) constructor.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
7)   Enum Singleton
To overcome this situation with Reflection, Joshua Bloch suggests the use of Enum to implement Singleton design pattern as Java ensures that any enum value is instantiated only once in a Java program. Since Java Enum values are globally accessible, so is the singleton. The drawback is that the enum type is somewhat inflexible; for example, it does not allow lazy initialization.
enum EnumSingleton {
8)   Serialization and Singleton
The problem with above serialized singleton class is that whenever we deserialize it, it will create a new instance of the class. To overcome this scenario all we need to do it provide the implementation of readResolve() method.

protected Object readResolve() {
    return getInstance();