Saturday, 11 March 2017

Securing Web Services

By nature web services are loosely coupled connections and its use of open access on mainly HTTP creates a major concern for security.

Web services security includes following aspects

Authentication—a user's identity is verified based on the credentials presented by that user, such as uid/pwd or authentication token.

Authorization (or Access Control)—Granting access to specific resources based on an authenticated user's entitlements.

Confidentiality, privacy—keeping information secret. Accesses a message, for example a Web service request or an email, as well as the identity of the sending and receiving parties in a confidential manner. Confidentiality and privacy can be achieved by encrypting the content of a message and obfuscating the sending and receiving parties' identities.

Integrity, non-repudiation—making sure that a message remains unaltered during transit by having the sender digitally sign the message. A digital signature is used to validate the signature and provides non-repudiation. The timestamp in the signature prevents anyone from replaying this message after the expiration.
For detail refer below link

Securing Restful Web Services

Using web.xml

1)      Define a <security-constraint> for each set of RESTful resources (URIs) that you plan to protect.

2)      Use the <login-config> element to define the type of authentication you want to use and the security realm to which the security constraints will be applied.

3)      Define one or more security roles using the <security-role> tag and map them to the security constraints defined in step 1. For more information, see "security-role" in Programming Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

4)      To enable encryption, add the <user-data-constraint> element and set the <transport-guarantee> subelement to CONFIDENTIAL. For more information, see "user-data-constraint" in Programming Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Example –

Using SecurityContext
1) object containing the name of the user making the request.

2)      Authentication type used to secure the resource, such as BASIC_AUTH, FORM_AUTH, and CLIENT_CERT_AUTH.

3)      Whether the authenticated user is included in a particular role.

4)      Whether the request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
@Stateless(name = "JaxRSStatelessEJB")
public class StlsEJBApp {
        public String sayHello(@Context SecurityContext sc) {
                if (sc.isUserInRole("admin"))  return "Hello World!";
                throw new SecurityException("User is unauthorized.");

Using Annotations
Declares roles.
Specifies that no security roles are allowed to invoke the specified methods.
Specifies that all security roles are allowed to invoke the specified methods.
Specifies the list of security roles that are allowed to invoke the methods in the application.
Defines the identity of the application during execution in a J2EE container.

@RolesAllowed({"ADMIN", "ORG1"})
public class helloWorld {

   public String sayHello() {
      return "Hello World!";


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