Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services provides different cloud computing infrastructure.
It provides different IT resources on demand.
AWS provides different services-
1.      IAAS(Infrastructure as a service)
2.      PAAS(Platform as a service)
3.      SAAS(Software as a service)

AWS provides different services like –
1.      Computing
2.      Storage and Content delivery
3.      Database
4.      Security
5.      Data Migration
6.      Networking
7.      Messaging
8.      Application Services
9.      Management tools

AWS Computing –

EC2 is a RAW server, which is resizable as per the needs. Resizable as when required.

AWS Lambda –
          Lambda does not execute the application, it’ is used to execute the background task of application. Like uploading an image.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk-
          It is used to host an application. It is an automated from of EC2, create the environment and deploy the code. Most of the software are already installed, just need to select the required software like for java application select java and create the environment and deploy you application while in EC2 nothing is preinstalled, it’s completely raw server.

AWS Elastic load Balancing-
          Elastic load balancing is used to distribute the workload on the deployed instances.

AWS Autoscaling –
          Autoscaling is automatically handle the scale based on traffic, autoscaling and load balancing works in parallel.

AWS Storage Services:
1.            S3 is object oriented file system. Create a bucket folder and then file can be uploaded.
2.            CloudFront - Caged the website near to user location to reduce response time.
3.            Elastic block storage- block level storage. One EC2 can connect to multiple EBS.
4.            Glacier -  Data archiving service.
5.            Snowball –Snowball is way to transferring data form/to AWS infrastructure
Physical data transfer.
6.            Storage Gateway works between data center and AWS cloud. Storage gateway take care of data center failure.

AWS Database –
1.            RDS – Manages database, auto update, security patch etc.
2.            Aurora – Amazon mySql which faster the mysql.
3.            DynamoDB – Manages No-SQL db
4.            ElastiCache -  Distributed caching service
5.            RedShift - Data ware house services, which is used to analysis of data. Analytic tool.

AWS Networking –

1.            VPC – Virtual private cloud, manage VPN for individual application cloud
2.            Direct connect -  direct connect to AWS
3.            Route 53 - domain name system.

AWS Security Service –
1.            IAM-  Identification and authentication management
2.            KMS -  Key management service (Public/Private key infrastructure)

AWS Application Service –
1.            SES- Bulk emailing service
2.            SQS- Simple Queue service
3.            SNS- Simple notification service

AWS Management Service –
1.      Cloud watch
2.      Cloud Formation - create could snapshot from existing cloud.
3.      Cloud Trail -  logging service
4.      CLI – Command line interface of AWS
5.      OpsWorks – Configuration management (Stack , layers)
6.      Trusted Advisor – personal advisor from AWS

Security Group for EC2
Create a private key pair for EC2, follow below steps
Navigate to aws console aws-console
Navigate to EC2 dashboard and click on key-pair

Click on Create Key Pair button and provide kay oair name
 Now click on create it will download the private key file

          Follow below step to create EC2 instance-

Navigate to aws console aws-console
Select EC2 and navigate to EC2 dashboard
Here you can see all running EC2 instances existing key pair of secutrity groups.
To create new Ec2 instance click on launch instance as highlighted below

Now it will navgate to the EC2 configuration window
First select appropiate os image, selecting windows server
Now it will ask further configuration for 
select type of instance and select t2.micro(free tier) and than select no of instance as follows-

Now click on add storage & selct storage size by default it is 30 GB
Now we can click on Add tag to add key value pair for this instance.
Than click on review and launch with default setting.
review screen - 
Click on launch button and select a existing security group or you can create with above mention step in this tutorial.
Now lunch the EC2 instances, after launching navigate to EC2 dashboard and select running instance, here you can see all running instances

Once the instance will up and running the status check will 2/2 check, now select the instance and below you can see the Ip, now we can connect with remote desktop to this EC2 instance with your security group.

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