Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Spring Bean LifeCycle

Spring Bean LifeCycle:-

1.      Spring creates instance of bean using reflection API.
2.      If any properties are mentioned, apply them with setXXX().
3.      If bean class implements the BeanNameAware interface then call setBeanName() method.
4.      If bean class implements the ApplicationContextAware interface, than call setApplicationContext() method.
5.      If bean class implements the BeanFactoryAware interface, then call setBeanFactory() method.
6.      If there are any BeanPostProcessor associated with the BeanFactory that loads the bean, then spring will call postProcessorBeforInitilization() method before the properties for the bean are injected.
7.      If the bean class implements the InitializingBean interface, then call after propertiesSet() once.
8.      If there is any custom init-method declare , method will get called.
9.      If there are any BeanPostProcessor associated with the BeanFactory, that loads the bean, then spring will call postProcessorAfterInitialization() method.
10.  Now bean is ready to use.
11.  If the bean class implements the DisposableBean interface then call destroy() method.
12.  If there is any custom method destroy-method declared, call it

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